Experience less pain and stress through natural movement

ZipZen uses alternative therapies such as Mentastics®, Trager®, meditation and hypnosis to help you find, recover or retain balance in your body and mind.

Jump into health! ZipZen supports you with:

Physical pain

Back, shoulder, neck and knee pain, frozen shoulder, hernia, pain in joints, sciatica pain, RSI, trauma rehabilitation, breathing problems, migraine.


Unbalance due to stress-related problems such as burnout, anxiety, worry, being exhausted or sleep deprivation.

Rehabilitation of trauma after accident, surgery, chemotherapy and psychological trauma

Support in recovery after physical trauma such as fractures, whiplash, sprains. Recovery after chemotherapy such as breast cancer and processing psychological traumas such as emotional experiences, abuse, addiction and long covid.

Prevention instead of cure

Neuro-muscular discomfort and pain, anxiety, burnout, sleeping problems and eating disorders can be prevented when you consciously choose attentive presence, good posture and a healthy body-mind balance.

Prevent injuries and achieve greater benefits in sports, playing music and physical work

Discover easiness in your work, sport or music practice. Build up more energy while preventing unnecessary tension and injuries. Increase your stamina in a pleasant way.

Support for chronic diagnosis such as Parkinson’s disease, rheumatism, fibromyalgia, MS

You have been affected by a neuromuscular disorder. You feel that you are in danger of losing your balance and are experiencing increasing pain, stiffness in your joints and muscles.

Discomfort during pregnancy

You experience discomfort in the pelvic floor and when walking and standing during your pregnancy. You have been affected by back or shoulder problems which makes it impossible to lie on your back.